Can you put training wheels on a 20 inch bike

Can you put training wheels on a 20 inch bike

Can you put training wheels on a 20 inch bike ?  Of course you can. It’s quick and easy to install training wheels onto a 20 inch bike . Even if your child is confident on their two-wheeler, it’s a good idea to keep the training wheels on until they’re able to make a clean … Read more

How to put a motor on a bike ?

How to put a motor on a bike ?

Bicycles are a great way to get around, but they can be slow and inconvenient when you have to go uphill or travel long distances. There is no doubt that adding a motor to a bike can make your ride much more enjoyable. If you want to make your bike ride faster and easier, you … Read more

How to install bike pedals

How to install bike pedals

Bikes are a great way to get around, and with the right equipment, they can be just as efficient as cars or public transportation. One of the most important parts of any bike is the pedals, which connect the rider to the bicycle.  In this article, we will show you how to remove and install … Read more

Can you pump a car tire with a bike pump

Can you pump a car tire with a bike pump

It’s a question that has probably crossed the mind of many bikers – Can i pump a car tire with a bike pump? There are a lot of myths out there about bike pumps. One of them is that you can use them to pump up car tires. Is this true? Or is it just … Read more

How to shorten a bike chain

How to shorten a bike chain

If you’re like most cyclists, you probably dread having to shorten your bike chain. It can be a tricky process if you’re not familiar with the steps involved. But don’t worry – we’re here to help you how to shorten a bike chain ? In this blog post, we will walk you through some easy … Read more

How to change a bike seat

How to change a bike seat

Bicycling is a popular way to get around, but the seat can be uncomfortable. Changing the bike seat can make your ride more comfortable. Here’s how to change a bike seat ? Changing your bike’s seat may seem like a daunting task, and admittedly, it’s not as easy as flipping a light switch. But with … Read more

How to put a bike on a bike rack

How to put a bike on a bike rack

Whether you’re a new cyclist or an experienced one, there’s a good chance that you’ll at some point need to know how to put your bike on a bike rack ? While the process may seem daunting at first, it’s actually pretty simple: Open Up the Rack Attach the clips Tighten the Straps Add Double … Read more

Can you ride a mountain bike on the road

can you ride a mountain bike on the road

Mountain biking and road biking are two very different activities. Mountain biking is typically done off-road, while road biking takes place on paved roads. However,  some cyclists often asked: can you ride a mountain bike on the road? . In this blog post, we will explore that question and give you our verdict! Can you … Read more

How long does it take to bike 5 miles ?

How long does it take to bike 5 miles

How long does it take to bike 5 miles ? also depends on how fast you are biking. If your bike has small tires, then it will take longer to get up the same speed as a larger tire would at full throttle.  Additionally, if your gears aren’t properly adjusted , then they could be … Read more

How long does it take to bike 10 miles ?

How long does it take to bike 10 miles

Biking is a great way to get around town and stay healthy. How long does it take to bike 10 miles? This is a question that many people have, and the answer can vary depending on the person.  However, In this blog post, we’ll break down the time it takes to bike different distances and … Read more